
Home is a place that you feel safe, comfortable, loved and cared for. home is feelings and more like sad, mad and happy. A house is a shelter and a place that you have. A house can be a placed on cliff, or road or a mountain. Your home can also be culture, friendly, and there for you. With your family, friends and more like you It’s a home where blossoms bloom.With you and your family, we make a team. A home is just for you. It’s where you feel welcomed and appreciated. It can be on the streets, even on a mountain bike or a road, sometimes in your heart. you have it always with you it is like a friendship that you have, but bigger than ever before. A place you store stuff like clothing and more. It’s what is in the inside that counts it’s what comes from heart, Like love. it’s like freedom, you’re imagination is what makes you you. Home to me is my and most importantly a life of my own, with more and more love and happiness there you have it. It’s not in front of you or behind you, it’s inside of you. A place forever and ever and it’s always there for you.


4 Année

Calgary, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi