My delightful house

I feel safe in my house because it’s been in my house for about seven years. My room has a lot of memorable things in it such as my baby books and old baby blankets and stuffies. The people in my house are so special to me there is my mom dad and brother. They are the best people I know I don’t know what I would do without them. The living room is such a memorable place. All the bridesmaids of my moms wedding got ready in there. The words that I describe my house are memorable, grateful and delightful. My room is a place where there is laughter and shared emotions. When I walk in my room, I smell my number 67 sol de Janeiro perfume and a soothing sent of my bed sheets. When I lay on my bed, I feel the soothing sheets and the silky pillows. In my kitchen I always get lays barbecue chips to bring to my room. There one of my favorite chips. I also love when I walk into my kitchen, and I smell delicious buttery popcorn that my brother or me is making them. In my room I normally make string bracelets and do my nails with my nail kit that I got last Christmas. If I could live in any house I would live in my home. This story is made for local habitat for humanity.


6 Année

Stanley, Nouveau-Brunswick

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