Give Thanks for Comfort

Give Thanks for Comfort By MacKenzie "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18) We don't get to decide our lives, some may want a bigger house, or a more caring family.We don't get to decide on what life we have, we get to be grateful for the family and shelter we were given. In my house, whenever I have a bad day or something tough is going on, I am thankful that my parents and family are there for me.Sometimes, when it is quiet in my house, I'm thankful that I get a break and some alone time to relax. Even when I have to clean, I'm still thankful that my parents provide me a comfortable place that shows how much they love me and care for me. Home isn't just the place where you go and sleep and play and maybe even work, it's the place that makes you feel comfortable. It can be anywhere. It can be more than one place. It can be one of a thousand places if the feeling of comfort is there. Even though all of us are different we all need to have somewhere to go and be safe.


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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