What a Home Means
What is a home? A home is a place to yourself where you can be you, so you’re not afraid to show what you love, do what you want. You are shown a safe space for you and everyone around you. Express your feelings and you have privacy to play games, have a wonderful time, hang out with your family that does not have to be born from the same blood line. A place for you to be free, invite your friends over, have a good time playing board games. Just doing the things you love in a house. It’s not just four walls, a house is not that it is a place of love, kindness and a place for you. So you have a space you can call yours and have your own bed. It is something to call yours. A place where you get to be mad, happy, annoyed, but in the end you will always love your home and what it means to you.
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