What is home to me?

Dear Habitat for Humanity, February 12, 2025 What is home to me? Well, to me home means neighbours. Neighbours are something that I am so thankful for because they are kind, thoughtful and funny. They are willing to help you when you need it. In the fall, when my neighbour Rick needed help with all of the leaves under his back porch,I crawled under and used his leaf blower to clear the leaves. In the fall,Rick takes me and my best friend Sequoia to go and smash all of his many pumpkins from Halloween at the dump. It’s so much fun! In the summer we have a barbeque and all of us kids run around the court. As we eat and visit with all of our neighbors, we listen to all of the older people tell stories like how 30 years ago Maria’s husband would dig a big hole in the middle of the circle and they would have a campfire and roast potatoes in the embers. There are two 3 year olds and their names are Penny and River. In the winter I get to play with them while all the grown ups help each other shovel and clear the snow for the older people. In the spring I help one of our older neighbors, Mr. Jonescue with his lawn and planting his beautiful flowers. Home doesn't just mean a house, it is a community where everyone is welcome and loved. Sincerely, Vivian


6 Année

Guelph, Ontario

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