Meaning of Home
Home is morning with smile and love, hugs with family, you can sleep normally, see dream’s and have fun with acquaints and grandparents, with everyone.
My home smells like flower.
I love my home because it’s all happy and safe because it’s my home. You don’t need to be angry and nervous; you need to be kind and fine. Try your best to save your home and family.
I say that for when I will be older, I’ll be leave my real home I see << home alone>> and in that moment I see how Kevin tries to safe his home and how he loves his family.
Home it’s love that you can’t leave it’s this that you are doing together you are doing teamwork love your family love you’re home and be kind.
Home is not just a building, it’s walls have history inside floor had a hot that you can’t be cold, windows give you sun, when you inside of home you fill happy and fun, bed give you dream, rest and sleep
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