My Special Place
My home is my special place built for me and my family. It's not just wood and some bricks, it's my safe place.. Home makes me feel safe, joyful, at ease, and exultant. The aroma of the praying room fills the house with a nice redolence and scents in my culture. All the rooms in my house are more than what they seem like..
My kitchen is where my mom and dad cook amazing, wonderful, and tasty meals and traditional foods in my culture, like butter chicken, Puri, Roti, Urad, and more. The smells of the food fill my home with a delightful and mouth watering redolence.
My toy room is where me and my brother play together. Normally I'm teaching him subjects on the whiteboard like his personal teacher. I really enjoy teaching my brother new things like math, social studies, etc.
My office is where my family and I take part to keep it organized. My office is more than a Macbook, and a hot mess. It is a space where my dad teaches my brother and I how to DJ with the turntable. My dad knows more than we can imagine.
My basement is eerie. My brother and I made some good memories down there when we were little kids, like playing mario kart and how my brother always beat me, playing cashier with the little toy market, It was amusing and enjoyable.
My praying room is where my family and I, push away the awful and atrocious spirits. It's a place that I know god will hear me. In my culture we call god Bhagwan. The aroma of the praying room is just amazing, and positive.
Home is more than four walls and a brick roof. Its my bright and healthy future ahead.
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