What Home Means to Me

My home is everything to me I feel like at home I can be myself and let out my emotions and stress. I love to hang out with friends and family at home. After moving 3 times I think I found the right home. With family just 1 hour away. I have made lots of great memories in my homes that I will never forget. My home is where good things happen it feels like a bubble of good and loving things. My home is more then 4 walls and a roof. It is more than I ever could wish for. And I hope every one can have a wonderful home like I do. When my mom and dad say there making dinner, I know it is time to go help I get my sister, and I get ready. My home is a lot to me I never have felt so welcomed or loved and the thing that makes me loved is the people my mom my dad and my sister Leah, they help me when I am hurt or sick .my home gives a roof over me head and a floor to stand on. There are so many different types of houses like an apartment, mansion, and a house but a home is different then others it is where most kids grow up like my 1 house in Ontario I went from there to Alberta to where I live now. my home is where my heart is its where I feel good and like I belong Because it is where I am going to continue to grow up and I am grade 4 and 9 years old.


4 Année

Lincoln, Nouveau-Brunswick

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