My home is more than a house

My home is not just a place of arguing and fighting it’s a place of love, joy and laughter. But sometimes my home can be a place where we argue and fight but it’s where we also apologies. And i,m very very grateful for having a roof over my head and walls around me and a bed to sleep in and i know not everybody has a roof over there head and walls around them and a bed to sleep in. But my home is not just a roof and four walls and a bed when i first moved in to my home it started off as a house then me and my family filled it up with love, joy and laughter and then it became are home where i live and have fun with my friends and family. My home is also were i feel most safe, comfortable, warm and loved. My home is more than a house because it’s where i make memories with my friends and family. My home is more than a house because it’s where i have fun with my friends and family. That’s what home means to me.


5 Année

Rockwood, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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