The ABCs of Home

Aa-the Appreciation that I have for having a roof above my head. Bb- the Beautiful friends, family and pets that I have in my home. Cc- the Coziness of my bed that I sleep on each night in my home. Dd- the Different types of food that I have at my home and the different types of food people bring to my home. Ee- the Education I get in my home. Ff- the Fantastic feeling of home that feels like love,that feels like I am cared for in my home. Gg- the Gentleness that my cats have for me when they hug me,lick me,play with me,snuggle with me,and many more gentle things. Hh- the Happiness that I have for having a lovely home. Ii- the Israel- related stuff in my house because I am jewish. Jj-Just the right home for me. Kk- the Kindness that I get. Ll- the Love that I have for the people around me and for the love that people around me have for me. Mm- the Memories I make. Nn- the Neatness of my home. Oo-the Overjoyed things I do. Pp-the Positivity that I get. Qq-the Quiet that makes me happy. Rr-the Rareness that I have the perfect home for me. Ss-the Spark that happened when I walked in my home for the first time. Tt-the Trustworthy that I have for my home. Uu-all the Unicorns that cover the walls of my room. Vv-the Vacation that I go on. Ww-the Wonderful life that I have and the wonderful home that I have. Xx-the eXamples that my parents give me. Yy-the Youth that my parents have. Zz-the Zone that I feel comfortable in.


5 Année

Hammonds Plains, Nouvelle-Écosse

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi