Home is Everything
Home is not a ask or a want but a need, home is a place that makes you warm and relaxed and not harmed. Home has all the old memories of fun and happiness, but sometimes there can be bad memories but home is still your home. Maybe you played a bored game and found it fun, maybe you tried new things in your home or even a new pet that you got.
No matter what can happen I will love my home, your home keeps you sheltered from the weather if rains or snows or even if it’s super cold it keeps you warm. Your home does lots of things that are super helpful that can help keep us alive. Home is a safe place where you should feel protected twenty four seven and should never be an danger hazard.
Home is also a place where you can be your self and do silly things and not be judged, be lucky to have a home because they are expensive it cost more money then as much money I make by doing chores so be grateful your not sleeping outside with the bugs, because nobody wants to sleep with bugs. Homes are all different like different colours and shapes your home is unique and special and it should never change, maybe your home has a pool or a hot tub be lucky to have those, not everyone has them, maybe you celebrated a really fun birthday in your home so just be grateful and happy to sleep in your home eat in your home and be able to do fun things like maybe you have a trampoline that’s fun to play with.
Just know how lucky you are to have a home because not everyone does so be grateful, to have a roof over your head and a bathroom, a bed and a kitchen. Not everyone sees how much your home does for you like maybe you made a friendship that lasted a long time and you invited them to your home and you had tons of fun! So know home is everything just take time to think of the good memories that happened in your house and trust me it’s most likely going to be a lot. So yeah you probably heard this a million times but just remember how important and lucky you are to have a house a clean one and a great one so be thanking your parents unless you bought your house of course.
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