My Home is Special!

Home is a place that is more than a house. I think of my little brother chasing me, and yelling at me I always tell him to stop but he never does. I also think of My bedroom and how nice and cozy it is and extra warm. Smell. When I walk in the door from school I mostly always smell homemade cookies or pudding, and sometimes the house smells like cleaning supplies. Most of the time the house is never cleaned, because of my little brother William. He always makes a mess, and never cleans it up! Taste. When I walk inside the kitchen My mom is usually making Pancakes or pizza and some other Cool foods. I love when it’s my birthday though, because we always Get to pick the dinner and what kind of cake to get. Usually I get Kitkat cake and for dinner I usually get Taco salad or other yummy foods! Love At home, I think of how sweet my mom and dad are, and how Much they love me. My mom and dad has been saying they love me to the moon and back, and I love them to the moon and back too! Stuffed animal that I’ve had since I was four!!! Don’t judge its name his name is Cheeseburger. I said don’t judge!!! I have he all my Stuffed animals since I was 3/4 And I have One named owl. I love My stuffed animals but my mom said I don’t need Anymore. I Am sad that I am not allowed to buy anymore…. Thankful for… I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be able to go to school for free, and only having to buy the supplies. I’m also very thankful for the support that my parents give me when I sing. I love my parents but sometimes…….. My dad is very Annoying he try’s to make me laugh, But half of his jokes aren’t even that funny…. My Pets I have 4 cats Beans, Kidney, Max and Sheba. One of the cats is Sheba right well, we thought the cat was a girl but we were deathly wrong. I also have 2 Dogs they’re both really annoying Their names are Lily And Lexi. Lexi is 9 years old But she has a very Bad eyesight, we took her to the vet And she got a pill, the pill did help her but not that much. She is also a boxer husky. Lily is 6 years old I’m pretty sure but she is a Golden Retriever, but all of my pets make me feel welcome and happy. Now that you Know about my Home and what it means to me, you know that It is very special. Now you know how I feel when I am at home!


5 Année

Saint John, Nouveau-Brunswick

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