My Home is Built with God

My Home is Built with God By Trigg Kaiser The rain came down, the streams rose, and the wind blew and beat against home yet it did not fall, because it has a foundation on God (Matthew 7:25). This Bible verse relates to my home because it is built with God. Anything that tries to blow it down will fail. My home is filled with overwhelming love, all the hugs and kisses given to me and makes me feel warm, like the sun on your back. Letters in my lunch, family meals, and cleaning up after me are all acts of love. Love is movie nights, reading the Bible, praying together, and camping out in the living room. Our family does not even argue with each other. I’m loved at home. Home feels safe. My parents that help me and are always there for me. They are always giving me encouraging comments. They protect me from places or things I should not do or see. From the smallest little germ particle to the scariest crime, they are always keeping me safe. They would risk everything to keep my sisters and I safe from danger every day of our entire lives. They take care of me no matter what. They have shown me how to be resilient in tough times, like when my hockey team is up against the boards. My home is blessed to have my parents and sisters in it, always giving me more than I need. Home is also a place where I am motivated to do my best. My extended family pushes me to succeed in all things from a drawing competition to playing hockey on the pond. The guidance they give me is like a map to success. They all help me through the rouged road, (all twenty seven of my cousins). They flatter and comfort me with positivity. They are always there to talk and play with. They are kind. When we go dirt biking, we stop to help each other. I know many people that would not do that. My home on the farm is a lot like the environment described in Matthew 7:25. There is rain and streams. We however, fish in the streams and the rain helps crops grow. God and my family help me grow and have built my home so it will NEVER fall.


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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