Home is Where Your Heart is.
Home is Where your Heart is
by Morgan Labelle
“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” -Hebrews 3:4
Home is more than just a physical space; it is a place where we find comfort, security, and a sense of belonging. It is where memories are made, relationships are formed , and identities are shaped. Whether it’s a house, apartment, or even a shared living space, home is a place where we make memories with the people we love most. Home is where I learned to be myself. Even if you move from one house to the next, home is where your heart is.
My home is like a soft warm blanket. The beautiful blue walls in my bedroom make it feel like a cozy comfy place. My mom’s soft voice is soothing. When my nose is red like a hot pepper, her voice wraps me up and keeps me warm on cold nights. My dad is a goof. He keeps the house alive and joy filled. I am most comfortable when I am laughing.
Home is a safe space where the people I love most keep watch and protection over me. When I scream and stomp, my mom helps me feel calm. She will make me my favourite soup or just give me a simple hug. My dad is always fun but is careful while having fun. He always says “ be careful princess” to me. My home is my castle.
I can be me in my house. I can wear the stuff I like to wear that makes me feel comfortable. In my baggy sweatpants and cow slippers I can laugh with my little sister until our stomachs hurt. Around home, I can do the stuff I like to do and not worry about being judged by others. I dance in my driveway while singing to my cat. My cat is a better audience than the kids at school.
I love everything about home. God and my parents have built a home where I flourish. When I grow up, I want my home to be filled with the same comfort, security, and belonging that has been given to me.
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