The Best Thing About My Home
“Home” my special place. There are so many things that make my home special, but my top 3 are comfort, food, and fun. I feel comfort is essential for a healthy home. In my house, the kitchen is where all the magic happens. At my home, excitement lies in every corner. There’s no home like mine.
The comfort of my home is like the feel of warm hugs. On a starry night, I lie in bed singing along to my favorite song. Looking up at my ceiling slightly illuminated by the glorious moon light, brings me a sense of peace. Drawing on my bed brings me so much comfort as it is one my favorite thing to do. I believe comfort is key.
Taste is an extraordinary sense, but it's all thanks to food! On Saturday mornings, I usually wake up to the buttery smell of fresh pancakes. While my mom is making her signature Jollof rice on Sunday
nights, the smell of spice and pepper overtake the kitchen. This makes it seem like my whole family has a cough. Food and family mix well and create the best broth.
No one likes a boring home, including me! At my house family action-movie nights are almost a tradition. The movies always have crazy plot-twists! Me and my siblings enjoy playing ang making jokes while shoveling our icy driveway covered in snow. Home is equal to happiness.
These are the 3 best things about my home. There are so many things that make my home special. I decided to choose these 3 because they all make the biggest impact on my life at home. I hope everyone has a place or community where they can feel safe and at home. ❤️
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