Habitat for Humanity: Writing about Home

What is Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is a group that helps people who don’t have a safe or good place to live. They build houses for families who need somewhere to live. The houses that are made by volunteers. Like you and me and sometimes even future homeowners helpout. Here is a famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “A house is made out of walls and beams; a home is built with love and Dreams.” For the first reason why i love home is because it is a comfortable place that is safe cause what are the odds I get robbed or kidnapped in Redcliff, it's a really low chance and that is why I feel safe where I call home. What I love about my home is that my family and I feel safe where i live,in my mind where we live is a safe spot to sleep, cook, and relax and my family thinks so, well I sure hope. The last reason i love home is when the weather gets a bit crazy me and my family are safe from blizzards tornadoes hurricanes hail and rain and well it is a comfortable and safe spot to live. For my big idea if I win the money for the community I think we should get all the homeless people a big home that has 4 rooms for all the homeless of Medicine hat but there are some people that do not deserve a home like a smooth criminal like if you want a home, work for it and the people that murder they already live in prison so what do I care or maybe I can upgrade there sells and for my second big idea I want the the homeless people with now houses to have concrete bunkers if a hurricane of a tornado ended up hitting their house, that's all I have in my head.


6 Année

Medicine Hat, Alberta

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