
Home is a place FOR LOVE AND SUPPORT, none the less. But some homes for example rules, like cleaning, no eating in the rooms, and sometimes, when you are home alone you can be like “I miss my mom” or “I miss my dad” and a home and a house has a huge difference! For an example, people say a home is equal to a house because they are the same structure, I mean. Its fine since its their opinion! But in my opinion, I think that a house is a structure with fancy walls and stuff but its different from a home because while a home is a memory and a place to be loved and respected, its okay to have your OWN opinion, even if you disagree with my opinion, its okay sine you have your own opinion to share, so keep it or you can believe one or another, is a home in my opinion is not equal to a house but is a memory.


5 Année

Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick

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