Meaning of Home

What makes a house a home? I think that my home is the best home because of the peace, also all of the love, and all of the memories I make. First my house has peace in it. It has peace because when I walk into my house I feel all of the warm air on my face and it is so peaceful. It is also because you can hear all of my animals and it is so peaceful. Also the way you can hear my family laughing and it gives me peace. So that is my way home. Has a lot of peace in it. 2nd my house has a lot of love in it. My first example is when I walk into my house and my dog is there at the door that makes me feel love. My second wesson is when I get home and see all of the pictures that remind me of my family and that makes me feel. love finally it is also when i get home and i hug my sisters i feel love. 3rd my house has all of the pitchers of my family and that makes me have memories. Also all of the time my family laughs. And happiness in my house that makes me have memories. The last reason why is all of the keepsakes. That is In my house. That is why my house has memories in it. I think that my home is the best home. My home has peace, love and memories. This is why i have the best home.


6 Année

Orangeville, Ontario

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