Home To Me
Before I moved to Canada, i was in Nigeria. I had a good life there. On Sunday, i would to church. It’s like a school in there, but it’s still about the bible. On Monday's i went to school. We always do the same schedule except that we do sports like Basketball, Football, Volleyball or made-up games, The rest of the week is the same. On Saturdays, i play on my tablet and rarely on my laptop and spend most of my time with my family. It was my schedule for years.
In 2023 We had a president election and the participants where Obi, Atiku and Tinubu. Obi was winning and Tinubu was losing but there was a problem; Tinubu cheated 3 things, that he is bad, he hacked the system giving him more votes .he is above age limits (which is 80)and he said he was 67 will he is 87.he barely knows anything about being president.
So, me and my mom went to Canada so we can be safe. But in Canada I don’t care Where I am even if I’m in a different place because My family is with me. When I’m away from them I feel different , when I’m with them I feel normal cause when you have Family you will feel normal. They were there your whole life so you always feel loved where ever you go.
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