The Meaning of Home
Some people think of home as a building but to me it's my safe place. Home is where I belong.
Everyone deserves to have a home. I love my home in many different ways. Why do I belong? My home is where I sleep at night. I pray, I eat all the time. My home is beautiful to me. My family is always there to protect me. My home is not just heat and food, it's where we all belong to. My aunts, my uncles, my grandparents too all love their homes. Without a house and a family I would not be here right now. That's why I am so thankful and happy. Even my dogs belong. I can draw, I can read, and I can do whatever I want at home. That's why I think we all belong in a home.
Some people don't have homes. I think that's sad to think about because I think we all belong in at least one home. Some people say they hate their homes, like they forget sometimes that people don't have a home at all. Everybody's home is special to them. When I am with my grandparents there is something special about their home too. My dogs love being at home because my dog Ranger and Cali and Josie cuddle us all the time.
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