Just a Home
In my home I feel safe
It's a place where I can be myself
Nobody to judge me, Nobody to glare
Only I can be aware
In my home there's enough food to share
Enough for everyone to eat fair
When its cold I can cuddle with my blanket
My home is comfy and warm
Pitter patter pitter goes the rain
As it flows down my window I can see every little raindrop go down
My home is protected by the strong walls
I have a place to keep my secrets safe
Everyone is nice in my house
We all have fights sometimes but we get along
There is no place like home
It's more than just some square or a rectangle with a roof
Its a square and rectangle with life
Life that can share and aware
I hope that me doesn’t leak
If it does how I stay safe
What about my secrets that I have
Will they awake?
But home is safe, it won’t break
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