H.O.M.E. S.W.E.E.T. H.O.M.E

H. happy feelings fill the air as crisp warmness surrounds our hearts. O. optimism is the key to home, your footsteps follow you wherever you go. M. memories collide in your brain making you feel happy from those sad moments. E. encouragement is like oxygen going in, and dishonesty coming out. S. support your friends and family when they are feeling down, they will soon be calm and relaxed. W. welcoming people for a happy dinner. We eat yummy roasted chicken and soft, fluffy mashed potatoes. E. ebullient is the everyday feeling when you get home and get to relax by the fire. E. easygoing is one feeling that makes life a chunk easier for yourself. T. tangible is something that is hidden in your home. A feeling to grab your home and make more family members come over and have some fun. H. hospitality was always something that is in hospitals… and homes. Homes were always something to remember, taking care of elderly was a reason for homes. O. outstanding homes are more reasonable for visitors, big and not small is an always answer for comfortable homes. M. majestic smelling is a more calm and cool addiction to wonderful homes. You don't want your homes to be old and smelly like old socks and dog beds do you? E. elegant style and calm cleaning is a always there thing like brown shiny wardrobes and non-dusty really clean counters.


4 Année

Granville Ferry, Nouvelle-Écosse

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi