
Home. A home can be many different things, but it cannot be a house. A house is manually built, and a home is made by many years of memories, laughter, joy, and many other cheerful things! Plus, houses are empty and full of untouched furniture which has never felt the feeling of joy. But a home is something that you remember throughout your lifetime. You get to feel the Nostalgia rush through your bones when you remember those precious memories of you and your family. However, those are just perspectives since, as I said earlier about how homes can be many different things? I’m not lying. Since, for some people their home is the school where you engage and learn or maybe it's the park where you hear as the laughter of other people fill the area, or it could even be the fields by the park where you try your best to score the winning goal. Whatever your home is, it’s your special place, the place where you be yourself. A place where you feel loved, noticed, and cared for. No matter what, home is the most key place in your life. So, what would you do without it? First, many opportunities shut down. This can be caused by many things, for example confidence drop, your ego might lower, you might be overstimulated, depressed, anxious, or even nervous. You might feel this way because of the lack of love in the air, laughter filled moments, heartfelt compliments, fun-filled moments, or even just humble hopeful things like making cookies with your mom. Either way, these are the things that help us push through life without weighing ourselves down a rabbit hole. Also, if you don't have a home then where will you get the confidence to shove yourself down the correct path? Where you pass through school and make it to college then hopefully apply to a job that you enjoy working at. Because, in the end it all matters if you have a home. Now, back to talking about perspectives, home for me is my home. Infact that’s a lot of people's homes. The reason your own personal house is the same for most people is because it has shared memories with your beloved family members that only YOU know fully about. Special stories and moments that brings you straight to the past, almost as if you were there watching the moment replay. As well as how you share those entertaining laughter-filled jokes with you siblings. But the things that make home your home are all those memories, fun filled times, humble sweet moments, competitive long board games, adrenaline loaded Mario kart games, and maybe even those deep care cake making. Whatever makes your home yours it most likely brings you joy, and happiness when you think of it. However, home can even be connected to your emotions. the emotions that you feel when you realize how far you are from being a child and all of those soft-hearted memories with your parents and siblings when you were still young and curious. Or when you remember those heartbreaking losses as you watch your parents age and eventually die. Either way you feel all types of emotions even if it’s mad, sad, happy, sleepy, silly, disappointed, betrayal, love, disgusted, and way more. We are all human and feel emotions especially when it’s connected to your key place related to memories in the past that you’ll never experience the same again. The emotions we feel are human. I feel emotions like last year I got 1st in the 100m race I felt astonishally cheerful, but also very surprised because it was my first time getting top 2 in 100m I will always remember that moment for the rest of my life, I'll savor it. Another example of when I was more emotional was when my grandma's dog passed away. her dog was constantly being joyful even though she was incredibly old and near death, she always tried for us. I felt devasted but we always have to move on in life to get through it. This just proves that even if we are feeling our best or our worst, we are all human and that doesn't downgrade us as a person. In conclusion, a home can be many different things connected to lots of feelings, thoughts, or even emotions like I just wrote about.


6 Année

South Woodslee, Ontario

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