About a House and a Home

Chapter 1: Cool things in my home! My home has a lot of cool things, but here are somethings I am very thankful for having, one thing is a roof on top of My head. Here are some other things that I am thankful for A great family living there. What are you thankful for? Chapter 2: Having fun! Sometimes it is hard to have fun inside or even outside your home. It can be hard even if you try really really hard it can feel impossible! So if you can’t yet keep on trying or listen to me. If you have a bike or scooter maybe if you have one or if it is the winter if you have sleds maybe go sledding Chapter 3: think about it I made this chapter so you can think about your home and think how thankful you are for having a home. Take a minute to think about how thankful you are for having a home. Chapter 4 the difference between a house and home This is the difference between a house and home a house is when usually has nobody living there. But a home is usually when somebody lives there. I hope you like the story of a home and house. I hope you have a nice home


4 Année

Peterborough, Ontario

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