Home means everything

Home means everything By William Home means everything in the world to me. First, Home is where my family is, my mom, dad, brother, and my dog, we share memories and love each other. Secondly, Home is a safe place where we can relax, talk about anything, and talk about our days without being worried that people will hear. My feelings at home are, love, laughter, dreams, happiness, and a lot more. Fourth, when I am at home I like to go outside, play in the snow with my brother and my dog, go snowmobiling with my dad, paint with my mom, or help make supper. Fifth, when I am at home I spend a lot of time with my dad, like snowmobiling, and especially when we practice baseball together, like grounders, pop flies, and hitting. Sixth, I love to play sports and stay active and without my parents I would not be able to play sports at all. Seventh, I am very fortunate that I have my parents, they are loving, kind, happy, caring, and every night they ask how your day was and if I say bad, they will always ask how come, that always makes me feel better. Lastly, home isn’t just a roof over my head, it’s where family is and that is one of the most important things to me. All in all, home means absolutely everything to me and home isn’t a house it’s where my family is.


6 Année

Spencerville, Ontario

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