The Meaning of Home and what Home Means to Me
The Meaning of Home and what Home Means to Me
By Taya
This is what home means to me. A house is just a place, but a home is much more. A house is just four walls and a roof, but a home is a place for you. Home teaches me many responsibilities. Home is where I can be happy and have fun. Home is where I can learn and grow as a person. Home is a place where I feel comfortable. Home is where I feel safe. Home is where I can make memories, and where I can make mistakes. Home is where I can think. Home is where I feel loved and understood. A home is where I spend time with family. Home is a place to express myself and be who I want to be. Home is where I can snuggle my cats. Home is a wonderful place to laugh. Home is where I can be happy, sad, excited, and mad letting out my emotions. Home is going to Gymnastics every Sunday, learning new tricks, and doing cool flips. Home is a place to be kind to one another. Home is a place to be confident with no one there to judge you. Home is a place to celebrate holidays with family and friends. Home is where I can be me. That is what home means to me.
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