The Meaning of Home
Did you know right now there are people that are in the cold and starving? But I think that everyone should have a home because everyone should feel safe, included, and loved. A house is a lot different than a home. A house is just a building, and a home is a happy, fitting place for you and your family. My home is important to me because it has most of our memories, and everything that is special to me.
My home has many things that are important to me. For example, my family because they make me feel safe, happy, comfortable, and I can show and tell them what I am going through. I like to share some things with my brothers too. I also like to play games with my brothers and sometimes even my parents. My room has special things in it, like my books, toys, pictures of my friends, pictures of my family, and pictures of when I was little. I also like to have a comfy bed for when I don’t feel well, and for when I go to sleep. When it is time to go to bed, I always complain. But when I get into bed, I can't keep my eyes open. Lastly, our field and forest. I love to run around in the field, and get Christmas trees in our forest. I love to explore with my family in our forest, and see all the different plants, and animals. I love to build fun, outdoor forts in it too.
Here are three things in my home that are important to me; how warm it is because a lot of people just depend on fire, and the weather to be warm. I am so grateful for how warm it is in our home. We have a good fireplace, and a furnace to keep us warm. My clothing because when it is cold somewhere, I can stay warm. It is good for dressing up at fancy places, going outside to play, and it can be so comfy! Finally, my friends. They are so fun to play with, and hang out with. I love to build and experiment with them. I also love to go to fun places, and have them at my birthday parties.
I believe that everyone should have a home because everyone should feel safe, warm, and they should think to themselves; “I have a really good place that fits me, and I call that place my home.” People should feel special. If I have a place that I call home, then homeless people should have a place to call home as well. I am very lucky to have good food to eat, and good water to drink, but not all people have that. Some people have to hunt for meat, or pick vegetables and fruit from a garden. Some people even have to beg to get enough money to survive. Some people have to wait until it rains to get water. Or they have to drink from a dirty stream, or lake.
A home is a place where you have memories, where you have family fun, and where you play games with your family. People should have a home to be safe so that they feel safe. They should be loved so that they feel loved, and they should have a home that fits them, so they feel they have a special home to them. My favourite part of home is the people I share it with, and who I have my favourite memories with. That’s what a home means to me.
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