What Home Means To Me

A house is not a home. But a house can be a home. A home is a place where you are loved, and can love. A house can be a home if in it, you can love, and be loved. A house is only four walls, a roof, and a door. But, a home is much, much more. A home can be anywhere if you are loved, and can love. I am lucky enough to live in a house that is also my home. In my home I have my family: my mom, my dad, and my dog Tuck! They make my home feel so so special to me every day. In my home I am happy, healthy, and loved. In my home I feel the love of my family, all the time, even when we are apart. In my home I have food, water, toys and clothing. I have all that because I am lucky that my family has enough money to afford it all. Habitat for Humanity can help anyone have a home. Thank you to Habitat for Humanity!


4 Année

Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi