Our Home
I wonder how home feels like!
I can find mine through the turnpike,
I skim through the windows, the beautiful nature,
Oh dear! What a wonderful moment in my cozy furniture!
I can feel the affection of my mom and dad,
I can smell the aroma of the food my mom prepared,
The sweet smell of the perfume that my dad has after shower.
The swishing sound of the dish water,
The rumbling sound of the cloth dryer,
The whirring sound of the fan with a peep,
Are all my lullabies to put me to sleep.
I wonder how home feels like!
Let me ask my little shrike,
Out of the blue, spotting you in the mighty sky,
I know the perfect home for you is the one that keeps you fly,
Feeling the gush of the winds,
Hearing the chirps of your little ones,
Hunting for the smell of food to feed once,
Sky is the limit! for birds when set free,
Doesn't have to reside only on the tree.
I wonder how home feels like!
In the forest, I see a sinuous snake.
A beautiful hill named the nest burrow.
Definitely a cool and moist place that nobody can borrow.
Seeing the leaves fall from the trees,
Hunting for its prey to squeeze,
Feeling the slightest change of the surrounding,
These help the creature have better dwelling.
I wonder how home feels like!
Not only for the Pike,
who lives in the freshwater,
flapping his tails with a loud splatter.
The coral reefs with muted greens, blues and yellows,
Sensitive to the smell of other water fellows.
I wonder how home feels like!
My dear Aloe with protective spikes!
I see you happy when the sun shines,
Storing water along the margin of your leaves that you call it - Spines.
I wonder that home is not just a piece of brick,
It's a place where one would like to stick.
For anybody, not only mankind,
but for the plants, birds, mammals and water animal are one other kind.
Sky, Land, soil, water, where you may find,
the home filled with peace and harmony,
something that you can't buy with money.
Home sweet Home!
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