A Home for Everyone
A roof over our heads. So we can be safe and not hurt from a tornado or hail. Also memories such as your first word, first steps. If you didn't have love in a home, it would be a house.
Family members who work just so we can have toys, a bed, and a TV. Your mom cooks superb food just for you. Also a nice play room if you had one and you can get an electronic when your older. A fantastic place to have a playdate or sleep over. A nice place to hang out with your friends if they come over. Also if your house is close to a mall or a shopping centre.
Spending time with your cousins and family during Christmas or Halloween, Lunar New Year. Birthday party for you or your cousins and family.
Homes have bus stops for kids who take the bus. Also parks to make new friends. Events from the community. Skating and sledding in the snowy winter. In the summer drink lemonade or soda. Order takeout from a restaurant and watch a movie. A backyard to play in and a warehouse to store all of your childhood toys.
Everyone deserves a home from homeless to normal people who work hard just so they can afford a home. and if we did not have homes, we would never have any memories. Never a warm bed, never anything to watch. We can start
Fundraiser and they can save money for about a month or two and if theyhave saved a lot of money they can start building homes with the money they saved.
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