I am the place you call your home

I am the place you call your home. I wonder what family will live here next. I hear your laughter and I hear your whines. I want you to be happy but also to cry. I am the place you call your home. I wish you could taste all the joy and sweetness. I pretend I'm a shield from all the hurt and hate. I feel that at any moment I might break. I worry that you'll pack me up and move far away. I smile when you do good things. I am the place you call your home. I say goodnight and I say my prayers. I dream that I'll wake up and you'll still be here. I try to entertain you, I do try my best. I hope you'll remember me when you move out west. I am the place you call your home.


5 Année

Duncan, Colombie-Britannique

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