Where is Home?
Home in Ukraine.
A blue and yellow flag flying,
like the sky and fields of grain.
Two cats trot around - Calico and ginger tabby.
The smell of flowers,
of fresh air,
of the river.
Beautiful arrangements of painted rocks.
Splashes of color,
In the midst of dull grey.
The river whooshes
beyond the fence,
beyond the road.
The sun warms my face.
I miss you. I’ll never forget you, My home.
You gave me memories,
my home sweet Home.
Home in New York.
A star-spangled banner flying.
Blue, red, and white.
Like fireworks, against the night sky.
Honks and beeps, heard from the road.
The city that never sleeps.
The smell of street food,
of the ocean,
of Home.
A cozy home.
Jewels. sparkles, paintings galore.
Splashes of color,
In the concrete jungle.
The ocean’s waves crash at the beach.
My home.
I’ll never forget you, my home.
You gave me knowledge, kindness.
My home sweet Home.
Home in Canada.
A red and white flag flying,
holds the maple leaf.
Like crimson red on white snow.
Rustles of the leaves in the wind.
The country of kindness.
The distant whoosh of the river.
A warm apartment of love,
The sweet aroma of fresh bread.
My kitten trots around,
like the king of the jungle.
I thank you, My home.
You give me hope,
My home sweet Home.
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