The Kids I Live With

The Kids I Live With by Mel C The kids I live with are an important part of life. Meredith helps me have fun. Finn helps me learn to be a leader. Jenessa helps me with my faith. Without these kids I would not be me. Meredith is like a walking battery because she has a lot of energy. If you have ever met Meredith you will know how much energy she has. She will always cheer you on. One day we got to smash a dresser and door. My dad didn't need the dresser any more and my uncle said we can break apart a door. whenever it was someone's turn she would scream, hit it like you mean it or give it the power to smash it. Finn is like a tornado and he always needs help with things. When Finn wants popcorn i have to tell him step by step on how to do it no matter if i have already taught him how to do it.when it is time do the choirs i always have to help him with the dishwasher without me the dishwasher would be full of diary and moldy food. When I help him with easy things it makes me feel important in his life. Jenessa is like a walking Bible because she is always talking about God and the miracles he has done for people she knows. If you have ever gone to church with jenessa she is always adding things on to what the pastor has to say. When i'm reading the bible she is alway interested in what i have read from the bible. The kids that I live with are a blessing in my life. When getting to hang out with these kids I feel lucky to have them in my life. It is so important to me that I have a good relationship with them.


5 Année

Leduc, Alberta

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