The importance of a home
To me, home is like a treasure that can never be found, that is why you keep trying your hardest. All I could think of when I am inside is that I am grateful to have a home providing shelter, care and warmth. Without a home where can I go? Home is like a freedom of privacy when you want to spend some time together. And sure there are houses far more interesting than ours, but nothing is more secure than a home.
Here are my reasons on why the importance of my home could be so inspirational. First, a home could be inspirational by the looks of it, but what I think makes it good is if there is a tradition carried from one generation to another. Secondly, it may be that the tradition I could be carrying must be from over centuries ago, isn’t that cool because maybe my ancestors encouraged me to carry it on to the next generation like for my family, we celebrate Diwali! Finally, it isn’t about where you live, like a city or a town, maybe a village on dirt neither rich nor poorly brown. It isn’t about whether your home is big or small, it could be short and skinny or large and tall. Those are my reasons on why the importance of a home could be so inspirational. To carry on, I am giving you 1 sense of what I can Hear. First, I can Hear the rustling sound of a kettle on the stove and that brings joy to my heart. In conclusion, Roses are red, Violets are blue, we have a home and so should you too.In Conclusion, Roses are red, Violets are blue, we have a home and so should you too.
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