This is My Meaning of Home

A house is a place where memories are new to us but a home is a place where memories are everywhere. A house is a room that is new to us but a home is a room that we instantly remember. A house is a place that are memories start a home is a place where memories are art. A house is a place where we don’t want to stay but a home is a place where we can’t wait to be. A house is a place that is nothing to me but a home is a place that only I want to be. A house can be anything we want it to be but only a home can make us happy. A house is a home that is not quite done but a home is a place where everything is. A house is a place that we don’t feel right but a home is a place that we cant feel wrong. A house is a place can be filled with whatever we want but a home is filled with one this that is love. A house is a home that is filled with air but a home is a house filled with are cares. A home is a house that we feel happy in but a house is a home that we are to scared to stand in. A house is a building that I have no cares about but a home is a place that I cant be away about. My home means everything to me that’s my meaning of home.


5 Année

Langley, Colombie-Britannique

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