What a Home Really Means

A home is lively. It is full of warmth, kindness, and laughter. My dad helps my mom cook our favorite food, chicken soup. While I sit and watch them and tell them about school. The sun is shining brightly on an evening, as the day passes by slowly, like it’s telling me to enjoy the moment. After a while, I decide to help them. We all work together and bond! A home makes memories. They are filled with happiness and joyfulness. I sit on the newly cut grass in our backyard that my grandpa took care of, as my mom prepares dishes, and my dad is cooking barbeque. The sizzling tickles my brain as I wait patiently for the food that’s coming, like I’m waiting for what life will throw at me. But little does life know, I am ready for anything and everything. A home helps us learn. My mom is helping me with my homework with a question hard enough for the answer to not pop up in my head. My mind is in jumbles, I’m so confused. But my mom helped me understand the question and we finished. I thanked my mom and hugged her. I think my mom and dad are really amazing. A home helps us grow. I am surrounded by friends and family while I make a wish on my 10th birthday. I wish for world peace, and everyone’s lives to be positive. (I also wish for a gaming setup!) I blow out the candles, and we celebrate. Living life can mean many things. Either taking your first baby steps, to graduating in honor. There are 4 things that connect us: love, family, memories, togetherness. And it all starts with a home.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Manitoba

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