What home means to me

I like to play outside when I'm outside. I like to play with my family and play baseball with them outside. I like making stuff in the woods like forts out of wood when i'm outside it makes me feel good Another thing that I like about home is that I like to cook with my dad. We like to make cookies because they are good. We like to make pizza two. Things you should do before you start cooking number one. Wash your hands. Number two make sure you know what to cook. Number three try new things. Another thing I like to do is play games together. I like to play games with my family because we have a fun time when we play together. And take time off video games because it is not good for you could get blind. that is why I play only 1 hour a day and play board games instead. It is better for your brain. One of the things my family likes most is that we like to fish and my dad likes to fish a lot. Like we fish a lot of times in the summer. Is funner because you don't have to wear snow gear. It is funner because you will not get sweaty. Me and my dad like to hunt deer and moose and meat birds. I like to hunt because it is fun because you're out in the wild. I like meat and I like to shoot guns. In the morning I hear my dads music. He has the music as loud as it can go and it wakes me up. I can hear my dogs barking at me dad because he got back from town he goes to get a coffey in the morning.And thats what home means to me and my family.


5 Année

Inverness, Nouvelle-Écosse

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