Meaning of Home
When you walk into my house, you’ll have three active senses. Smell, sight, and sounds. Although there are other senses, I just chose the essential ones.
My home always has the smell of delicious food. Whether it’s after school, or a morning weekend breakfast, food will be there. Without food, I'd starve to death! So, having a house full of food is great, right? But do you know what's better than smell?
The answer is... Sight! The first thing you’ll see is, my house (of course). Seeing my beautiful house feels so great! The second thing you’ll see is my cats kindly greeting you. They might be scared of you, but if you keep coming to my house, they’ll eventually get used to you.
The last sense that is important to my home is… Sounds! What you’ll hear in my house is a crackling fire in the fireplace, the wind blowing, and my cats meowing outside. Those sounds are normal, but without them, it would be total silence... I don’t like silence, at all. That’s why I still love those sounds.
And that, my readers, is my meaning of home. I hope your home is great like mine! :)
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