Meaning of Home

Right now I live in Nova Scotia, with my mom, dad, and my brother. I moved to a new house on January 10th. My home is huge, and I eat a lot of things with my family that taste delicious. I live with my dad, mom, brother. Home is a peaceful and welcoming place. Home is a safe place to live in. Home is a place that brings joy to everyone. Home is a cozy place with heaters and a lot of room. Home is a place where we can play together. Before I moved into my new house I was in Halifax and my best friend was Isaac. Now I am in Dartmouth playing with my brother. I had a lot of friends, there were like 13 friends. When I'm at school, I want to go to the gym, feel safe, happy and joyful. At my home, I slide on my stairs and it brings me joy, and my stairs help me get up to my room, where I feel happy to get up to my room. When I enter my home I feel safe and happy. I can play at my home, with my brother and I play hide and seek with my brother. My brother and I go to Cole Harbour for swimming 😀.


5 Année

Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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