
What does home mean to you? Well, this is about what home means to me and why it is important. Home. Some people think home is just a house a place to stay or a building. Not much more. But truthfully, home is not just a house. Home is not just a place you live in; it can also be something you love or cherish. It can be a feeling of being safe and warm. In my opinion, in simple words, home is…. a place, a feeling, someone, something, something you do. Even simpler, home can be ANYTHING. Home is abundantly important to your life. We ALL need home. We all need that connection, or we will be upset if we don’t have things,something,someone that we are familiar to us. I will now tell you about what home means to me. Home is my mom and dad; the food that my mom’s make; it is my feeling of happiness. Things, people, places, will always feel like home when they have been in my life for a while. Home is my cats and dogs. It's not home without them. New things will eventually become home. At least for me it would have to be in my life for a lot of time. Like family. Activities feel like home I know I’m good at like dance, musical theatre, running at a running club, volleyball, they are home. My bedroom and my books. Now, for my conclusion. I think that home is love because love is what all these things have in common, and I would miss them if they were gone. Home is happiness and wellbeing too. Not just a house. So, now you know what home means to me, I hope you now know what home means to you.


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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