Home Over House
To me a home is a beautiful thing filled with love and kindness. A home is not a place a home is when people love each other and are kind to each other. A house is a building, just somewhere to give you shelter. A home on the other hand is joy and love brought together by people. A home has so many things that a house does not have. For example a home gives you love and makes you feel good but a house can not give you such a good feeling. A house is a great thing but it does not have what a home has. You can live in a mansion and still feel separation and loneliness. Even if you do not have a house to stay at, if you have a home it is even better because you feel that aura of kindness and being cared for that you never feel in a house. A house is not a bad thing but it is not a home. A home is who you are surrounded by and your connection to them. Home is where kindness and laughter rules and spreads forever and where your bond can never be broken. Home is where you make memories and a house is where you make dinner. In a home you are cared for and supported at all times and you are encouraged to do good. You learn in a home because there are always going to be good role models in a home wherever you go. A home is peaceful and is where you will always be loved no matter what. Overall I would rather have a home than a house because love is better than shelter. There is no place like home, at home you are loved no matter what.
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