Finding a Home

There once was a stray dog, named Spot, with no family. Spot went to dig in the trash, until he saw a man with his pet dog. “C’mon Lucky! Let’s go home!” the man said. Then Spot wondered, “What is a home?” Spot went to go find his stray friend, Maple the cat. When Spot got to Maple’s place, he asked “Maple, what is a home?” Maple thought for a while, and finally answered. “Home is a place where you can, ya’know, be yourself!” she meowed. “Ok, thanks Maple,” barked Spot. Then Spot went to his other friend, Pine the bird. “Hey Pine, what is a home?” asked Spot. “Well... a home is where you can spend time with family and friends! If you have one,” squawked Pine. “Ok, thanks Pine.” replied Spot. While Spot was heading to his messy cardboard house, he wondered, “Do I have a home?”. Then, he had another thought. “If my friends have different ideas about a home, then there's lots of meaning to what a home is!” thought Spot positively. So Spot went to his cardboard house, and dreamed about having a home. The next morning, Spot woke up. But, he wasn’t cold as always, he felt warm, from a cozy, soft blanket. Then, Spot heard the sound of a little girl. “What is that sound?” wondered Spot. The voice got closer, and closer, then Spot saw a little girl standing in front of him. “Hello, little doggy! I’m Jill! I’m gonna name you... Spot!” said the little girl. Then, Spot realized that he was finally going to have a home. “My friends are right. A home is a place you can be yourself, and spend time with family and friends. And no one can change my home, or my family.” thought Spot.


4 Année

Hay River, Territoires du Nord-Ouest

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