What Home Means To Me

Home and house have a whole lot of difference. House is a place where you can live in and don’t really get attached, but home is a place where you get attached and show lots of love towards it, and it is full of happiness and joyfulness. A home has lots of special memories where a house does not have that many special memories. Home has a positive vibe which I have felt. For me home has a special meaning. Home means a shelter to me, and a place be safe from the world a place to call something of your own. My family just got a house last year before we used to live in a rented house which I couldn’t call my own but now I feel so happy now that I’ve got a home to call my own. Home means everything to me. I was born in Australia then moved to India now I live in Canada, but the meaning of home stays the same to me a warm cozy shelter to live in. I have seen so many people without a house they also deserve a house because they are people too. When you live in a home you realize what happiness it brings to you. Each and every living creature has their own dwellings. Birds make nests, lions have dens, rabbits make burrows etc. Now a days houses are becoming expensive, unfortunately for some human beings, it is difficult to possess a house. Thanks to Habitat For Humanity charity who are thinking for such people by providing homes.


5 Année

Brandon, Manitoba

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