Home is Where the Heart Belongs
Home is family,
With every member of pillar standing arm in arm,
Enclosing care within, and protecting from harm,
The one place where sadness dissipates like water to steam,
And ringing laughter paints rainbows in dreams,
Family is the melodies painting that special song,
That draws the heart into where it belongs.
Home is friends,
Every member the walls of their own special room,
Where emptiness is filled with love that forever blooms,
The memories together moulded and shaped,
Adorn tables and shelves and on the windows are draped.
Home is the place where you can be you,
The pool that has trained you for hours to decades,
The echo of ivory keys as they fade,
The studio where pink satin feet kick into the air,
And friends pass a ball on a lush green square,
No judgment or fears of doing wrong,
Where you can be you is where your heart belongs.
Home is the birthplace of your roots,
A land feeling equally familiar and strange,
Bonding you to culture that catalyses change,
Where past and present align through love,
And ancestors smile down at you from above,
Passing down values and beliefs so strong,
Where your roots lie, your heart belongs.
Home is possibilities infinitely long,
Home is where your heart belongs.
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