Meaning Of Home

My home is welcoming and lively and also loud. When you open the door you can get greeted and make yourself at home! It’s lively with laughter, movies and family games. It can get loud at times from intrusments or just family get togethers. My home is full and cramped. The lack of space makes our house full. When family comes over it can feel loving.My home is also soft, warm and so comfortable. The place I live in is warm and in the winter, so comfortable and soft. When I sleep and relax during winter. Home can be cold and empty but, happy at the same time. You can feel all of these emotions when you move in. When you move in, it can be empty, can be cold but happy at the same time.Many homes are organized and tidy, I would say my home are those but sometimes unorganized for when we unpack or pack for vacation. My home and others are like a book. Things start here, things end here. But let's not make any memories end!


6 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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