Meaning of Home

Home is often thought of as a simple building made of bricks and cement. For me, however, home represents so much more than its physical walls. It is a place where I feel safe, where I can truly be myself, and where I find peace and comfort. Home is a place that provides love and emotional support in a world that can often feel uncertain. My home is around my friends and family. I feel at home when I'm doing the things that I like, such as badminton, swimming and enjoying myself with people that understand me. At home I feel like I can actually be who I am, free to do whatever I want. Home has this weird, comforting feeling to it that nothing else has. Home has its own smell to it that nobody and nothing can beat. Home also has physical benefits. One of the physical benefits is the roof of our house. The roof protects us from storms, blizzards, the cold, the rain, and more. Our houses have walls. The walls protect us from natural disasters. When the roof and the walls are put together they create a structure called a house or a building. There are different types of houses like, some people live in apartment buildings or town houses. I am very thankful to my parents for giving me a place that I can call home. Everybody has a different definition of the meaning of home but, all I know is that everybody should feel safe and welcome at the place they call home. I also think that everybody should have a house or a place that they can call home. That’s why I thank Habitat for Humanity for giving everybody a chance to know what it feels like to be HOME.


5 Année

North york, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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