The Home

There once was a home and a house. The person that lived in the house was very proud. She had lots of furniture. The house was warm and it was really cozy, but she was really lonely and sad because she didn't have her friends and family with her. One day, she decided to go see a home. She was surprised because the home looked the same as her house, but the home was filled with joy, happiness and hope. Then she remembered her Mom's freshly baked cookies right from the oven and her Mother's beautiful smile. The next day, she decided to go to that home again. She ran and looked in the window. There was a little girl feeling happy. Then the brain haired little girl in the window saw her and the little girl ran to the door. The little girl opened the door and asked her, "Hey, do you want to come in? I think my Mom will let me." She said "Yes!". When she came in, she saw the little girl's Mom and she cried as she remembered all the things that she did when she was little with her own Mom. Later, she went back to her house and invited her new friends. Eventually her house became a home. I hope your home is safe and filled with joy and happiness.


4 Année

Langley, Colombie-Britannique

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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