My Home

Home is the place where you get to love many people and create memories with your family but family isn’t just for humans, it can be for dogs and cats and a lot of furry pets too. If you are nice, you can always welcome visitors to your home, home isn’t just for you, it can be for anyone in the world and doesn’t it feel good to spread love and welcome anyone you want? Everyone deserves to have a home, and a roof over their head too. You should always know that the people you live with, care for you and never let anyone say that isn’t true. You also can’t have a home without food, always take care of others and yourself. Don’t forget about the pets. You don’t spend your whole life inside, you should get out there and start spending time with nature, for example, go biking, go to the park, take your dogs on walks, and in the winter you can go skating, sledding, and many more! Home is for warmth and you find a lot of love everywhere in that house. You should feel safe, loved, warm and you should always feel cared for, welcome everyone, and love them for who they are, that is why you should love your home.


4 Année

Hay River, Territoires du Nord-Ouest

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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