My H.O.M.E.

My home is a place where I can go. My home feels like the rough tiles when I walk into my house, it feels like a place where I can have fun and have a safe place to go. My home feels like the nice cool air in my house when I walk into the house and lie down. My home smells like dinner when I walk inside, home smells like my dad’s deodorant, and my sister's air purifier. Home tastes like my dinner every night when we talk about our day when we get back from all our activities, home tastes like my SodaStream that we make fizzy water with. Home sounds like me and my sister wrestling together when we get bored, home sounds like my dad chopping away making dinner while he listens to his podcast so we can eat. Home looks like my house which is blue and white, home looks like my pictures on the wall and the blue couch in my living room, when I get home from school I sit there every day. No matter what my home will be my home, everyone will call their home different even if they live alone or together. Thank you Habitat for Humanity!


4 Année

Hay River, Territoires du Nord-Ouest

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi