
When I was young in Winnipeg, my family would buy me toys like sonic figures, Paw Patrol figures, and bendy and the ink machine figures, and me and my mom would play together. When I was young in Winnipeg, my mom would make a Portuguese dessert called cavacas, with yummy vanilla icing. I loved these, especially the hollow middle. When I was young in Winnipeg, I would play Roblox everyday until my fingers felt like noodles. I would also play Minecraft and make the highest roller coasters that would go up and down. I also loved playing “bendy in the ink machine,” a really good horror game that somehow I could handle When I was young in Winnipeg, my mom would vacuum, and I would take that little pipe and stick it underneath the couch. When I was young in Winnipeg, me and my grandparents would go to the park and get some food and the birds and geese would go absolutely crazy. I stuck out a handful of food and threw it. The geese went “HSSSSSS” as a thank you I suppose. While the birds went “chirp, chirp!” When I was young in Winnipeg, I would go on my iPad and listen to Spotify while drawing digitally. I would animate and animate and NEVER give up! It was the best habit of mine which led me to my career on YouTube, which led to 200 subscribers. When I was young in Winnipeg, I never wanted to move to America, I never wanted to move to New York, I never wanted to move to any of those “perfect places” because I love my true home…Winnipeg ♥️


5 Année

Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi